Small is Beautiful!

For a beautifully renovated small bachelor in Toronto, our client chose to have the bathroom door be the sliding barn door.  It saves space and it's a stunning piece to greet the guests and the owner as they walk in the front door. As you can see, the barn board colours goes so well with the colours in the bathroom...such a nice flow!

A look from inside the bathroom.  I just love the contrast of the cold tiles to the warm wood.


This door is special in that the barn boards are alternating to create that nice colour tones.  Usually, barn boards are grey on one side, and brown on the other.  The grey side is the side that is exposed to the sun, and the other side faces inside in the barn.  By alternating the boards, you have both sides of the door the same, instead of grey on one side and brown on the other.  I have to credit this to the creative thinking of our client!

Rock always has to be somewhere around the finished installation.  Yes, we know you good!

Are you ready to add a beautiful barn door to your space?  Contact us and get one custom made just for you!